Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What a wonderful way to be woken up!

I was awoken today with a telephone call from the Dean of Theory and Composition at one of the universities at which I had applied. She was calling to personally inform me that I had been accepted and a few details about it all.
The moral is that I now officially have a choice of where I will be going! This latest university has some money involved, unfortunately, not enough that I would be able to ignore all financial worries, but it's a start.
I think I already know which program is more appealing, it comes down to the money from the other institution, and my own doing research on profs and the programs.
I'm going to start that today by talking to one of my profs at school.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

double congrats, mike!

in similar news, i got my scholarship which will keep me at the u of m for two more years...