Friday, April 13, 2007

Baking with Momma

As I've probably mentioned on here before, I wrote a choral piece earlier this year using a recipe for chocolate chip cookies as the text, along with my own stellar poetry and one-liners.
The piece was recently performed and it was very well received, and I really enjoyed both performing it, and how it turned out!
I want all of you to listen to it, because I think it's a lot of fun. The last piece I posted for listening was the Alsheimer's Variations-of which this piece is the complete opposite.
It uses a narrator and 8 part choir to relive the process of baking cookies from the child's eye view. I've used a lot of contemporary techniques, but I think it's not too out there, as it remains quite accesible to the audience. At the same time, it was difficult, and I'm grateful to the University of Manitoba's Cantata Singers for putting work into it and giving it such a wonderful performance.

Baking with Momma

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