Sunday, April 08, 2007

Before dinner tonight, I finished marking. I had three assignments to mark this weekend, taking up a good 10+ hours of my long weekend. All went well, though a little frustrating at times.
Of course, it's just now as I'm getting the hang of marking, the year is almost over and there's only one more assignment and one exam to deal with.
Things are really wrapping up nicely. Tonight I am going to practice piano for a bit. But not too long because I don't really have to!

I went drinking last night, for the first time in a long while.... well since Vegas. I did marking after work but before meeting family for dinner. I marked at Moxies and ordered a vodka paralizer, which I got Moxie sized since it was a reasonable price. Then when we went for dinner, we ordered cocktails and then when the wine came, I knew what I was in for.... fun!
I think my sister and her husband and I were planning on going to a few clubs, but we ended up meeting with some other friends, and when they finally got there, we stayed so they could get drinks.... long story short, we were there for the evening. All in all it was a pretty awesome evening, not going overboard, but having enough to have fun!

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