Sunday, April 01, 2007

This was a pretty productive weekend.
I did a wee bit of practicing. I did a heck of a lot of marking.. well not too much, but more than I have been lately.
My friend Fork and I marked together, which is a balance of fun and productive.
I played for musical theater today, a whopping 5 hours of fun. It was pretty good. The things I do within the realm of musical theater are pretty varied:
-Accompanying at the piano
-Vocal coaching, including some Spanish language diction
-Theatrical coaching
-and a wee bit of Choreography
The teacher I work with for Mus Th is really good, and she loves everything I say and do, but it's hard to draw the line, and I never know... one of these days someone might be of the persuasion that pianists shouldn't be choreographers..... My main choreographic suggestion is the addition of "jazz hands" to just about everything Hahahah.
I've actually been quite a bit more vocal in dance classes lately. It's definitely not the normal role of the pianist - actually most pianists never talk during a dance class. But none of the teachers have made any untoward comments regarding my suggestions and corrections. I've actually gotten comments that my ballet teacher and I function almost like a teaching team, rather than a separate teacher and accompanist. There's a lot that I have learned from working so closely with my Saturday ballet teacher and I know theres still so much more.
I told the principal of the dance school today that I am not coming back next year because I'm going away for grad school. She congratulated me and told me that it was bittersweet and that I would be missed.

I'm in a very good mood lately. I think it's the combination of recital being over, getting to choose from grad programs, not being in debt after my undergrad schooling, and a general sense of forward motion!
Anyway, now I am off to hand in theory assignments and find some new fun to get into!

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