Saturday, April 07, 2007

I had posted a bitching post last night, complaining about diabetes and mumbly mumbly. In the end, I deleted the post because I didn't want people to worry, and I was uncomfortable with the amount of detailed information I posted about my diabetes management.
It's funny that at one point in my life my parents took care of everything in my diabetes management, and now they haven't the foggiest idea of how much insulin I take or any of such details.
Then again, I guess it's like anything. At some point in all of our lives, someone else wiped our ass for us, and I'll venture to say that most of us do that on our own now.
Anyway, when my sugars are high, I'm bitchy and snappy and irritable. That's why I was like that last night.

I ended up staying home and playing cards with my family. Apparently my sister had forgotten how insane the Park family is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, Mork...
You know, you didnt seem that irritable to me, maybe you just needed a nap.