Friday, April 27, 2007

Fucking B plusses!

So far, I've gotten back marks for two classes this term.... Piano Pedagogy and my Recital - in both of which I received a B+. For a brief and shining moment my GPA was actually over 4.0 and now, GAH, it's back under at 3.97. ASSSHITSTUPIDBASTARD!
Piano pedagogy was supposed to be a bird course, a gpa booster.... but the prof was retarded and got it the other way around... She didn't manage to teach us anything, and on top of that, she marked so that we got low marks. I'm not bitching that she was a hard marker, but the marking set up made it impossible to do well. At the most, she marked in increments of 10% - problem being that when you need 95% to get an A+, if she gives you a 4/5 on one assignment you're out of the running. In talking to her, she had implied that I had done quite well on some assignments, but the marks were 80%.... and that's a B, not quite in line with her positive feedback.
Normally I don'd like the people who bitch about the difference between good marks and really good marks, but Fuck it! Here's hoping that my ensemble marks bring up my GPA... but that's the problem... ensembles are worth so little in comparison to actual courses.... so I would have to get A+s in every other course in order to be brought above 4.0 again.
As of this morning, I'm writing down everything I eat and inject in preparation for my Endo/Dietician/CDE appointments next week. I really should do this all the time, because it really makes me think more about how to best control things, but it is fairly work intensive... but that's just a lazy excuse. I need to get to the point where I can do all the thinking logically without having to write it down... but I guess the only difference is having a direct point of reference to previous sugars.. and my memory will never be good enough to hold that information, so I'll just stick with the book for now.
I haven't heard anything about work for the summer other than the music stuff I have lined up.. but that's not enough. I'm even thinking I might actually work some shitty job for a month or two... At the moment I have nothing music related until July. Working some little part time job might allow me the freedom to work on compositions while still having a bit of money coming in.

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