Saturday, May 05, 2007

So tired this morning.
No time for coffee.
On lunch break, walking - my bag strap broke and clunk went my bag (with computer) - things seem to be functioning well enough.

I bussed home, which is fine, but I don't have to ride the bus much lately, so it reminded me of a beef I have with the buses:
Design issues: Why have butt-grooved seats? At the back there is a row of 5 seats - which can only hold 5 people comfortably - spaced with buffer seats in between. If 5 people sit there, everyone is cramped so it's alright, but then there's the awkward situation... if there's already three people and a fourth wants to sit - Today was the day!
This guy was walking down the row with that 'I'm gonna be on this bus for the next 20 minutes and I'm not willing to stand the whole time' look on his face, so I moved my bag. Do to social convention, I couldn't just stay right where I was and force that squishiness on three people - I did the expected thing and moved a little to the side.... problem being: the hard plastic thing between seat grooves. Now, if the mood was a little different, nice lighting and say if I hadn't been on a piano bench all day, I might have even secretly enjoyed that hardness against my tailbone, but not today!
Old bus designs had one big padded seat at the back - upon which 4 people could sit perfectly comfortably without invading anyone else's personal space. These stupid fucking seat grooves are the worst invention ever!!! FUCK!
After a while a sideways seat opened up, and I moved to there - somewhat relieving the back misalignment from having one cheek higher than the other for 10 minutes.

That is all.

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