Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last Day of the Year

Tonight is a night of celebration.
Another year gone by.
In the new month, everyone in the provice of Manitoba will be heading to their local autopac retailer to renew their driver's license. It seems kind of ridiculous to have EVERYONE renew at the same time, seems like it would be a nightmare for the people doing the paperwork, but I guess that's their perogative. I think it's silly. I prefer to think that they think of me every year on my birthday and send me a birthday card in the form of a license renewal form.

I hope Binky's car will move today. When I parked it last night, it was not happy with the snow and it's a pretty pitiful car in the snow, so I gave up on parking properley. I should really move the car soon. I have to go to the pharmacy and get stuff for a potluck salad.

Looking back on this year, what do I see?
It's been a year of monumental changes in my plans for life and direction and whatnot. Sure, it could be a year of transition. Now I feel that I am firmly footed on the road to becoming a composer, whereas the year before, I was still under delusions of being a pianist by profession. Not to say that was wrong, as I will still most likely make my money at a piano...
In terms of physical things, I see all the changes happeneing around me, parents retiring, sister getting married, friends moving away... It's excitign and inspiring to play some part in those people's changes.

Mumbly Mumbly, Im gonna stop talking so I can do the things I need to do today.

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