Thursday, December 29, 2005


I suppose I should post, but I really don't have much to say. Purposely, I did very little today. I slept in very late and when I awoke, all I did was play a little and worked on composing. Of course there were the usual distractions of chatting on MSN and lazing around, doing absolutely nothing as well as eating chocolate. Nevertheless, I'm happy to say that I am completely comfortable and happy with just doing musical things. Looking ahead, I believe I will enjoy my life.
Good news, I don't know how I haven't posted this yet.... My financial problems, while nowhere near solved, are far from urgent. The student loan went through quickly and without any problems. My tuition was paid directly to them, and the balance of the loan came to me as an automatic deposit. I am glad to have this large chunk of money which, according to the terms of my loan, I will not be using to pay off consumer debt. If I were to get technical about it, I had enough money to pay off MasterCard before hand, so it's all good. The remaining money will sit in my high interest savings account with ING (let me know if you too want high interest... if you sign up, we can both get 13$ free!!!) and I'll collect a few cents of interest off it.
As it stands... my credit card will be paid off AND school is all paid for. Provided I haven't grossly overestimated my tax return, I will pay off this loan in one chunk upon the arrival of my tax return and all will be well again. I am still dissapointed in the timing of this whole thing, but I suppose it will just be another financial lesson learned my ME.
Speaking of finances, I think I managed to spend less than normal this Christmas and still managed to make people relatively happy.
My family is not religious... therefore we are not ruining the idea behind the holiday by being materialistic bastards... thats just the way we celebrate. In all honesty that is our aim. Each year we try and find a material representation of our understanding of those we care for.
For example, with my mother; we all needed to realise her insecurities and find a way to show her that we do listen to what she blathers on about. I bought her a tea box that she really liked in passing. She never actually asked for it, and never even thought about it for christmas, so it was the perfect thing.. my dad bought her exactly what she's been asking for over and over again, thus showing her that he doesn't ignore her ALL the time... at least not around Christmas.
well, I guess I did have some things to say... who'da thunk?!

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