Sunday, December 18, 2005

only a very quick note

im writing essay, finally feeling productive so I come here.... makes sense to me.
Recipe for productive essay writing:
-Days of previous procrastination
-several ounces liquor
-random other yummies and more liquor
Raise heat to: 1 day before the paper is due
Bake for as long as you can before you completely stop making sense, or you pass out for ingredient number 2

hope you enjoyed! I know I'm enjoying ingredients 2-4.... I probably shouldn't become an academic, I'd be too fat and drunk.... not necesarily a bad thing....


Anonymous said...

I'm finished. I'm finished. I'm finished. *random happy dance*

And I didn't have to have to get drunk to finish it!

But it probably would have been more fun.


Julie Kertesz - me - moi - jk said...

I begun to write exactly 61 years from now (I was 10 and half years old) in a cellar, in wartime Hungary. And of course, no drinking, even water was spare at that time. My journal become my friend, I could tell him what I needed to tell.

I still write like that, as if just speaking to a friend. Then, it becomes more and more easy and does need only paper and a pen and the thoughts flow.