Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Election results taste like crap!

We now have a conservative minority government. This is unsatisfying because a) they are Conservative and their leader is a scary man and b) minority governments can't really effect all that much change.. they are dependant on who will team up with them. The Conservatives are strongly opposed to the Liberals, and pretty much the diametric opposite of NDP. Im not sure about the bloc, so whatever.
I just don't understand why there weren't new leaders in this election. It was the same as last election, people either voted Liberal because they hated Steven Harper, or they voted Conservative because they didn't trust Paul Martin due to the Gommery Report.
I will take this opportunity to reinforce my belief that we need either less parties (2 party system) or more parties, more candidates and basically INDEPENDANT candidates..... hnmm scratch the first one. We just need a system of true representative democracy where. m The politicians get a huge salary allotted for communication with their constituents.. but how many times do they call you up and ask you for your thoughts on important issues? I recieved TWO phone calls yesterday alone from the conservative party, reminding me to get out and vote. Also several calls earlier in the election asking if I had decided.
Why is it so ridiculous that I would expect my representative to have samples of his constituents called when it comes to important issues that are hotly disputed?!? But no, that won't happen. Because 33% of the people in my area decided that they no longer trusted the Liberals and want change, laws might change, and it will be so that now gays in this end of town will be allowed to get married.
I also find it disgusting that with a voter turn out of 70%, my region of winnipeg is fairly high! thats ridiculous! lazy asses. That means that while our mp got 40 some percent of the vote... it actually only reprensents 33% of the registered eligible voters.. which doesn't include all the people who hadn't yet registered.
grrrr. oh well. I will just go on living my life and trusting that our government actually can't make any real difference in my life, or that of others.

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