Saturday, January 27, 2007


UBC application - officially done!
I got it bound and mailed rather quickly!

All that remains in this unfortunate grad school application portion on my life is the U of M application. I need to do up a CV and statement of goals, which I already have somewhat written. I also have the extra copy of the choral piece bound, so if my teacher is back in town, I will show him all four pieces and he can tell me which ones I should include or exclude.

Tonight, I am going to practice, and I don't even need to worry about getting home with enough time to compose without falling asleep!
At the same time, I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night, so I might have to take a nap before... or I will be excessively tired tonight...
Ya, I'm thinking the napping might be a good idea, yes, definately, I love napping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! way to get stuff done. i'm so glad i don't have to deal with all of that onto of everything else. It will be really great when you know that your recital is top priority! (btw, when is that?)