Monday, January 22, 2007

I woke up this morning, and there were boxes all over the living room!
The Christmas shit is finally coming down!!
I guess my incessant bitching as of late has finally convinced them!
Regardless of what inspired this change, I am happy to see it going away.

I'm excited to be awake and ready to be productive today!
It actually seemed early when I got up at 10:30 today, oh well.

I'm sorta feeling better, the sinus congestion is tolerable/going away, however the cold has gone down into my chest... uh oh. This is ususally how it goes, then I'll get bronchitis...
Anyway, let's keep our fingers crossed.. but as long as it's not a sinus thing, I can be relatively comfortable in my head, which is where it matters most for me.

I made a chart finally yesterday of performance tempos and current tempos... it was kinda really depressing.. I'm averaging about 65% progress... and I'm supposed to be at 100 by the end of this month... oopsie. Anyway, at least now, I have a visual that will help me to prioritize my practice time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a really great way to organize what you have to do.
And yay for the taking down of christmas stuff. Overly long overdue.