Sunday, January 14, 2007

I have an appointment with a dietician and Diabetes Nurse Educator. Before the appt. I was supposed to keep track of :
-everything I eat
-the carb count of everything I eat
-blood sugars relating to those
I really couldn't have worse days to show them. For example... last night I was out until 3 am at the Opera Workshop party, it was great, but the problem was that my Lantus shot ran out at midnight ish, so my sugars shot up, I was taking fast acting insulin to compensate, but it wasn't good. When I got home, I took my shot and more fast actuing to compensate for the elevated sugars.
I calculated right,m because when I woke up, I had a very good number, normally I'm smart and take insulin once I wake up because if not, the sugars go up, but I felt my sugar waslow enough, so I went back to bed til 3 pm... then they were high again, i took insulin to compensate, btu no good... they stayed high all afternoon, and until dinner, at dinner I took another dose to compensate as well as my dose for dinner. Anyway, i checked 2 hours after dinner and my sugars were at ideal range.. but theres still another few hours of insulin kicking around inside me, so I've been eating candies and hotchocolate here and there to keep my sugars from going low... and I need to do that until about midnight when the insulin will finally run out!

Anyway, there will be lots for them to lecture me about tomorrow. The good thing is I've learned a lot about stuff recently,. so I have lots of questions for thema bout carb counting and dose timing and all that jazz.

I'll post about how it goes tomorrow. Anyway, I won't be able to make it for my one class tomorrow, and no class tuesday, so no school until wenesday. On the good side fo that, I can get lots of practiicng and writing done.
I managed to practice about 4 or even 5, ya closer to 5 hours this afternoon/evening. The fugue is all good now, could be faster, but at least it's good to be played. Other movements are getting much better. The second Passepied, the tricky little one is ready to go too.. which is nice, the first passepied is still buggering about, but I havea few more days. So, I know it will be a go; I can play the entire Bach for my lesson on thursday. I need to also force myself to finish learning the Beethoven and speed up the Liszt a lot. If I am to stay "on schedule" I have only a week after this lesson to have my whole recital up to tempo....
anyway, it's a theory....

1 comment:

Jonathan Evans said...

Smarten up!